Friday, October 21, 2011


This is the Canadian poster as far as I can tell
So, I went to see Drive with my classmate Sam (from Sam Unconstrained). I won't lie, I'm pretty sure we mostly went because of Ryan Gosling.

For you Sam.

The film however is rated R.

And I can completely understand why.

The is mature content, and foul language.

And then holy gratuitous violence Batman.

The movie started off alright, albeit a little aimless. And then things went wrong. Really, really wrong. Sometimes there is the cliche line of "an orgy of violence". That would not be an overstatement here.

There were parts of this movie that almost made me throw up. And there will be spoilers here, so stop reading or skip the underlined paragraph.

Two words. Curb Stomp. That's right. Curb stomp. In what was one of the grosser parts of the movie, Ryan Gosling CURB STOMPS some guys head in. Albeit he had self defense on his side, it still was so very, very gross. I would have been fine never having heard the sound of some guys head going squish while Ryan Gosling had a very Jack from The Shining look on his face.
Kind of like this.
On a side note, in my search for this picture, I found pictures of people who have this tattooed on their arms.

I don't want to seem too critical of the movie, because I did enjoy it. But there were some bad things, like the font. I can't find a picture of just the title, but if you look at the poster you'll see it. The pink. The terrible, terrible font. That font made up the opening credits, and the whole time I saw it I was thinking "That would make us fail an assignment in Electronic Publishing Layout and Design." (You know what I'm talking about CreComm readers).

For those who aren't in Creative Communications, let me explain, in Elec. Pub. if any of us used that font for something in an assignment, we would probably have failed.

Anyway! Back to the movie.

Like I've said before, I work at a theater, and sometimes I see people when they are leaving a theater. I must say, the most surprising people I've seen that went to see Drive were these two nice little ladies who I'm guessing are in their late 60's, early 70's.

They stayed for the entire movie, and when I asked them how they liked it, they told me that

"It's a very good movie, but very violent."

That was the best part of my day that day.

On more extremely violent movie news, I saw a poster for the movie The Hunger Games today.

Excuse me while I jump up and down with fan girl glee.
I don't want to give anything away, but I recommend people go read this book. It's really, really, really good. Catching Fire (the second book) and Mockingjay (the third) are also pretty good. I got my mom to read the first one, and she could hardly put it down.

So, when this comes out in March (if IMDB is correct) I will be seeing it. Come hell or high water, I will be seeing it.

But that's all for now, Goodnight!


  1. Liked your post! Thanks for the warning about Drive. I don't like it when movies have EXCESSIVE violence either.

    Funny about the old ladies though.

  2. I want to see this movie.
    It's based on an interesting book by an intriguing writer, James Sallis.

  3. The Violence was pretty excessive, but I don't think the movie would have as much of an impact without it unfortunately...

    I wasn't aware it was based on a book before now though, I'll have to check it out!

  4. "pretty sure we mostly went because of Ryan Gosling"

    PRETTY SURE? 100% sure. Pink font, violence and eighties music would not be appealing any other way. He is such a beautiful man. I saw The Ides of March this weekend (Gosling and Clooney). SO GOOD. Better than
    Drive for sure but there are still some disturbing elements to it (suicide and political scandals anyone?).
    Oh well. I still love him.

  5. That is a hideous font - FAIL!
